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Image Manipulation Service

Image Manipulation Service at Clipping Path Time

Regardless of whether you shot the images utilizing an unmistakable, wire, or non-straightforward mannequin, we can work with your records to accomplish the most regular looking image. We’ll assist you stay with your items, include surface, and eventually assist you with developing your business — all while taking a repetitive errand off your hands.

To this date, we’ve altered more than 3.5 million pictures — and checking. That implies you get images altered by exceptionally talented and experienced photograph editors. Trust us and let us help you meet even the most forceful cutoff times, regardless of whether you have a vocation of one or one thousand photographs. For fashion retailers particularly, that implies having genuine individuals wearing and utilizing your products.

We realize that it is so critical to accomplish genuine-looking images so you can sell more items. Online stores, print lists — and everything in the middle.

Live models can be costly, make planning troublesome and be problematic at times. A mannequin, then again, is a brilliant one-time investment. In any case, you would prefer not to grandstand the mannequin. That is the point at which the ghost mannequin comes in.

Regardless of whether you need the whole mannequin or only a neck or a joint, expertly edited ghost mannequins will give your item profundity. The more characteristic looking photographs request to clients, as they can imagine themselves wearing your dress and adornments. We’re here to assist you with selling more products with high-quality images.

How to add a ghost mannequin to your image

To include a ghost mannequin, or undetectable mannequin, to your photograph, you’ll first need a picture of the garments with the mannequin, and one without the mannequin (so within mark is noticeable). Set up the two images together at the neck — you can do this with clipping path. Presently you’ll have clothing that looks as if there is an undetectable mannequin wearing it.

Some apparition mannequins aren’t controlled at the neck joint. Jeans, watches, and caps, for instance, can likewise be altered to include regular volume and surface.

Garments and embellishments that are appeared on imperceptible mannequin look increasingly similar and normal, enabling clients to perceive how your item is intended to be worn, in actuality. We join the apparition mannequin with different administrations, for example, shading redress or shadow impact, to accomplish the most brilliant photo conceivable.

When to use ghost mannequin

  • To include life, surface, and volume to your items, particularly clothing and embellishments
  • In the event that you have to cut the cost and difficulties of employing live models
  • At the point when you need to show the back and front, or a 360-degree see, of your item
  • To grandstand within the clothing, just as the brand and mark within the tag(s)

When not to use ghost mannequin

  • On the off chance that you need to show the items utilized in setting, with genuine individuals
  • On the off chance that tests on your site or advanced publicizing show that live models convert better

Regularly, it is ideal to utilize a blend of a phantom mannequin and live models. The apparition mannequin gives consistency to your basic item thumbnails and images on sites or in indexes, yet live models include a human and reliability factor. It likewise places the items into setting for purchasers.

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  • Address: Clipping Path Time Ltd.
    Gulshan-1,Road-113,House-26/A,3rd Floor
  • Phone: +880 1639608350
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  • Open: 24 Hours 7 Days
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